business cards
class - intro to typography
year - 2022
project brief
The assignment detailed that the business cards must all use the same color (different tones and opacities allowed) plus black and white, and must only use typographic elements to create pattern, design, etc.

personal logo creation and personal branding
class - graphic systems and type and image
year - 2022
project brief
Create a logo and name tag that encompass your "brand". The logo must include your first and last initials, and name tag must integrate logo style.

Initial sketch

Letterform Exercises
class - graphic systems
year - 2021
project brief
Create interesting compositions first using your first initial, then your first and last, then explore the different relationships and compositions with several different letters. These relationships can be scale, movement, repetition, etc. Then, create an abstract composition using only one letter, making sure the letterforms flow together.

YEAR - 2023
Using the text of the essay "The Page" from the book "Species of Spaces and Other Pieces" by Georges Perec, design publication using the entirety of the text that explores and comments on the ideas of the essay. Utilize only typographic elements, and use one serif font and one sans serif.